An Outreach of Ancient Faith Ministries

How do I access my ebook?

After you complete your order, you will have one of three ways to download the ebook files.

1. On the screen immediately after placing your order, you will see a message similar to the following message. Click on the word HERE in that message to see your ebook files.

2. You will receive an email from Orthodox Christian Ebooks. (If you do not receive an email, check your junk folder.) In that email, click on the words Download Files to see your ebook files.

3. You can sign in to your account and click on My Account and then View Order Status. Your order will appear. Click on Download Files.


Using any of the three methods above will bring you to a screen with a message similar to the one below. Note: not all ebooks are available as in all three types of files; check the product page before ordering to verify that the type of file for your device is available.

If you purchase the files using a device other than the one you want to use for reading the ebook file, you can transfer the files by email, SD card, or cable.

For instructions on how to email the .mobi file to your Kindle, visit Send to Kindle by Email. To transfer a .mobi file from your computer to your Kindle, you may also use Send to Kindle for PC or Send to Kindle for Mac.

Contact us if you get stuck and we will try to assist you.


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