Spiritual Transformation and Giving

Ancient Faith Publishing eBook

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Product Overview

by +Bishop Alexei of Sitka and Alaska

What is the spiritual significance of almsgiving in the life of a believer? Bishop Alexei of Sitka and Alaska (OCA) draws on a wealth of patristic and modern sources to explore why God commands us to give, what motivates people to give or hold back, what spirit should characterize our giving, and the spiritually transformative results giving can have for us.

About the Author: The Right Reverend Alexei (Trader) has spent many years as a monastic in both Greece and America. Before his consecration to the episcopacy, Bishop Alexei served the Church as a lecturer in patristics, a Greek-to-English translator and editor, and a student of clinical psychology. He was consecrated to the episcopacy on January 25, 2020, and elected as Bishop of Sitka and Alaska in March 2022.


Author: +Bishop Alexei of Sitka and Alaska

Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing

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Available at Ancient Faith Store

LOOK INSIDE... Spiritual Transformation and Giving


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