An Outreach of Ancient Faith Ministries

The Lightkeeper: A Novel

Ancient Faith Publishing eBook

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Sherry Shenoda
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Product Overview

By Sherry Shenoda

In this hauntingly beautiful novel, a nameless Lightkeeper, ageless and outside of time, is pulled through time to tend lighthouses on far shores, battling danger, loneliness, uncertainty, and despair. What begins as the burial of a lighthouse keeper on a routine assignment soon transforms into the greatest adventure of her life and a path to a more distant shore. Through this journey she learns what it means to be human and to love, especially when death is a certainty.

About the Author: Sherry Shenoda is an Egyptian-American poet and pediatrician, born in Cairo, living in California. She was shortlisted for the Brunel International African Poetry Prize. She lives with her husband and two sons. The Lightkeeper is her first work of fiction.

Praise for The Lightkeeper

"Blending soft sci-fi elements such as time travel with a literate style that is engaging and allusive, The Lightkeeper manages to both enchant and challenge the reader. I couldn’t put it down. Tolkien talked about good stories aspiring to convey the difficult emotion of 'joy, poignant as grief.' This story is filled to the brim with it." -Nicholas Kotar, author of the Raven Son series

"The Lightkeeper stirs the spirit of the reader with a poignant blend of intrigue and simplicity. Sherry Shenoda’s prose is also a kind of poetry, which awakens the inner life of the reader through her fidelity to honesty, detail and the bright sadness of being. Especially in our noise-ridden times - the reflective, timeless journey of The Keeper is a healing balm and inspiration." -Jonathan Jackson, author of The Mystery of Art and The Harrowing of Hell

"Sherry Shenoda’s haunting, poetic prose gently draws the reader into a captivating tale, filled with ethereal beauty. Her characters and images linger, echoing in the imagination long after the story is finished." -Elissa Bjeletich, author of Tending the Garden of Our Hearts and Blueprints for the Little Church

Author: Sherry Shenoda

Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing

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LOOK INSIDE… The Lightkeeper


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