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Thinking Orthodox: Understanding and Acquiring the Orthodox Christian Mind

Ancient Faith Publishing eBook

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Dr. Eugenia Scarvelis Constantinou
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Product Overview

By Dr. Eugenia Scarvelis Constantinou

What does it mean to "think Orthodox"? What are the unspoken and unexplored premises and presumptions underlying what Christians believe? Orthodox Christianity is based on preserving the mind of the early Church, its phronema. Dr. Jeannie Constantinou brings her more than forty years' experience as a professor, Bible teacher, and speaker to bear in explaining what the Orthodox phronema is, how it can be acquired, and how that phronema is expressed in true Orthodox theology - as practiced by those who are properly qualified by both training and a deep relationship with Christ.

About the Author: Dr. Eugenia Constantinou hosts the popular podcast Search the Scriptures Live! on Ancient Faith Radio. She has been a professor and visiting lecturer on the Bible, patristic interpretation of Scripture, and early Christianity at Orthodox and non-Orthodox universities and schools of theology. She holds master’s degrees in theology from the University of San Diego, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, and Harvard Divinity School; a juris doctorate from Pepperdine University School of Law; and a Ph.D. from Université Laval in Quebec City in the history of biblical interpretation. She is married to Fr. Costas, a Greek Orthodox priest.

Praise for Thinking Orthodox

"Dr. Constantinou has written a marvellously timely book that is an education in itself as well as being a delight to read… [She presents] a patient and thorough account of what it is to inhabit the spiritual, theological, and sacramental world of Eastern Orthodoxy." -excerpted from the Foreword by Archpriest John A. McGuckin, PhD. D.D. DLitt., Professor of Early Christian Thought, Theology Faculty, Oxford University

"This clear, convincing, practical, well-crafted, and highly recommended book argues that the heritage of the Orthodox Faith includes, not only a distinct theology, but also a distinctive pattern of thinking theologically. It is not the task of theology to refine, clarify, and apply an ever-greater precision to the content of the Faith. As a component of the life in Christ, rather, Orthodox thinking strives to acquire and maintain a disciplined, humble, and devout mind. Parish priests, when they instruct newcomers to the faith, will want to have this book within reach." -Patrick Henry Reardon, Senior Editor, Touchstone: a Journal of Mere Christianity

"With brilliant historical insight, the author successfully navigates very difficult and complex issues surrounding the meaning and mindset (phronema) of holy Tradition. She reveals a theological method that is largely foreign to the intellectual heritage of the Christian West, without minimizing the role of reason. This is the book I have long wanted to write, but one that is far better than I could have ever done!" -Bradley Nassif, co-editor of The Philokalia: A Classic Text in Orthodox Spirituality, and Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies, North Park University

"Orthodox Christians, living in the West, have a need to be grounded in the phronema of Orthodoxy as we are tossed about as a minority group of Christians in a sea of religious and secular voices that can lead us away from the true faith. So much confusion and private opinion surrounds us and we need to have a light to guide us to a safe harbor. In Thinking Orthodox we have such a light. It is a joy to read and a treasure to have." -Archpriest Chad Hatfield, D.Min, D.D., President & Professor of Pastoral Theology, St. Vladimir's Seminary.

"Becoming Orthodox is difficult, especially for non-Orthodox, Western Christians. Many inquirers are drawn to Orthodoxy’s liturgical beauty, historical continuity, and theological stability. These are relatively easy to appreciate and access. However, the challenge is in acquiring a truly Orthodox way of thinking. This is precisely where Dr. Constantinou’s book is a God-send. As a convert myself, I spent years trying to shoe-horn Orthodox theology into my Protestant categories. It was futile exercise; the more I tried, the more frustrated I became. In this powerful book, Dr. Constantinou demonstrates why this was the case and why it doesn’t work. More importantly, she explains exactly how anyone can acquire an Orthodox mind. The book is at once academically rigorous and yet easily accessible to anyone who desires to become fully Orthodox." -Dn. Michael Hyatt, New York Times Bestselling Author

Author: Dr. Eugenia Scarvelis Constantinou

Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing

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Related Media:
Podcast/Live Programming - Search the Scriptures Live!

LOOK INSIDE... Thinking Orthodox: Understanding and Acquiring the Orthodox Christian Mind


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  • 4
    Good read for a beginner

    Posted by Alexander on Oct 3rd 2023

    I was recommended this book as a catechumen; and I definitely found the first 2/3 or so of the book very edifying and applicable, but the latter part of the book seemed a little overly... apophatic? I'm not quite sure what she was going for, maybe I'll understand deeper into my journey. Dr. Constantinou spends a fair bit of paper addressing the perils of online Orthodoxy—which I agree is a real concern, but she comes off as a bit of a boomer who got trolled, and I can't help but laugh at that as a younger person. But in all I would very much recommend this book as a catechumen, and perhaps the use of via negativa will be more helpful to other readers.

  • 5
    Exceptional wonderful.

    Posted by Demos Michael Rager on Feb 21st 2021

    I love this book, I read the whole thing in 3 1/2 days. I learned so much reading about the early church! As an Orthodox Christian, it has shown me what to do and not do.