An Outreach of Ancient Faith Ministries

Behold a Great Light: A Daily Devotional for the Nativity Fast through Theophany

Ancient Faith Publishing eBook

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Product Overview

Contributors: Fr. Basil Ross Aden, Elissa Bjeletich Davis, Fr. Stephen De Young, Fr. Stephen Freeman, Fr. Michael Gillis, Laura S. Jansson, Nicole Roccas, Brandi Willis Schreiber

The forty days of fasting before Christmas are meant to prepare us for the Feast of the Nativity, but the busy-ness of the secular celebration can interfere with our best efforts to center our hearts on Christ. Behold a Great Light is a daily devotional designed to help readers contemplate the mysteries of the Incarnation during the fast and the Christmas—Theophany season, ending with the Synaxis of St. John the Baptist on January 7. Popular Ancient Faith authors, bloggers, and podcasters bring their own unique perspectives to these meditations, which are paired with selections from the Scriptures and the hymns of the Church.


Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing

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Available at Ancient Faith Store

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LOOK INSIDE... Behold a Great Light: A Daily Devotional for the Nativity Fast through Theophany


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  • 5
    A Helpful Guide for Advent

    Posted by Kat on Nov 27th 2024

    I'm appreciating how each reading brings new light to things I've read and hear countless times. I'm only 2 weeks in, but already I see the value of having different authors contribute, to bring their unique perspectives.