An Outreach of Ancient Faith Ministries

Heaven and Hell: The Divine Fire of God's Love (booklet)

Ancient Faith Publishing eBook

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Fr. A. James Bernstein
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Product Overview

By Fr. A. James Bernstein

Few subjects are so misunderstood in the twenty-first century as those relating to the afterlife and the nature of heaven and hell. In this insightful booklet, author and priest James Bernstein provides a much-needed perspective on these important biblical concepts. What is the meaning of hellfire and eternal punishment? Is God angry and vengeful? What makes heaven heaven, and hell hell? These and other topics are treated with sensitivity and wisdom. This booklet will be especially helpful to readers who have struggled with the standard Western interpretations.


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  • 5
    Very Nice

    Posted by Meri Cunning on Oct 19th 2020

    I like the Orthodox views of hell

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