An Outreach of Ancient Faith Ministries

If You Love Me: Serving Christ and the Church in Spirit and Truth

Ancient Faith Publishing eBook

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Matthew the Poor
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Product Overview

by Matthew the Poor

From the introduction:

"The lesson of love can never be taught simply by words... Rather, it is taught by truly giving yourself and communicating the love and longing for Christ to those you serve... How awesome and dignified is Christian service! And how good is the trustworthy and loyal servant who can say along with Christ, 'Learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart' (Matt. 11:29)."

This book is essential and inspiring reading for all who would devote their lives to the service of Christ and His Church.

About the Author: Known in the West as Matthew the Poor, Abba Matta is widely regarded as the greatest Egyptian elder since St. Antony the Great. He produced a huge and varied body of work in Arabic, only a little of which has been translated into English. In addition, a great many of his informal talks to monks and visitors were recorded. He had a marvelous ability to communicate the deepest spiritual truths in the simplest and most practical language, making them accessible to laypeople as well as monastics. He speaks to the heart rather than the head, gently exhorting the reader to pursue a deeper life in Christ.


Author: Matthew the Poor

Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing

Additional Formats:

Available at Ancient Faith Store

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Podcast - Chapters - Audiobook Excerpt

LOOK INSIDE... If You Love Me: Serving Christ and the Church in Spirit and Truth


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  • 5
    A Great Read

    Posted by Paul on Jun 18th 2018

    Abba Matthew the Poor takes the very essence of what it means to minister to others and from where it should come from. Definitely helpful for both clergy and laity.