An Outreach of Ancient Faith Ministries

Practical Prayer (booklet)

Ancient Faith Publishing eBook

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Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
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Product Overview

An interview with Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh.

Discusses many aspects of prayer: personal and corporate, liturgical and spontaneous; and the practice of the Jesus Prayer. Very warm and personal, from an interview with this noted author.


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  • 5
    Practical advice for everyone

    Posted by Nikos Eleftheriadis on Oct 13th 2023

    This is an excellent interview by Metropolitan Anthony. He takes great care to speak to the ordinary layperson Orthodox. All too often many sisters and brothers might be confused by more advanced advice on prayer like that offered in collections as The Philokalia. For us who live in the world it is a very welcoming and clarifying text. I would strongly suggest to follow this interview with another excellent book, When You Pray.

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