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Reclaiming the Great Commission: A Roadmap to Parish Health

Ancient Faith Publishing eBook

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Evan Armatas
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Product Overview

By Fr. Evan Armatas

Jesus' last words to his disciples were "Go... and make disciples of all the nations" (Matt. 28:19-20). Unfortunately, many parishes are struggling to follow this commandment. In Reclaiming the Great Commission, Fr. Evan Armatas offers a roadmap to help us get back on track. Relying on his 20 years of parish experience, Holy Scripture, and insights from research and his visits with churches across the United States, he discusses how you and your community can implement changes that will transform, revitalize, and renew your parish. You'll learn how to diagnose and remove the barriers you face, deal with resistance to change, define what a healthy parish looks like, lead with purpose, and create a Parish Health Plan. Written for clergy, council members, ministry leaders, small groups, and all committed parishioners, this book will help any church in its journey to reclaim the Great Commission.

About the Author: Fr. Evan Armatas is a parish priest in Loveland, Colorado, and has served the Church for over twenty years. He is the author of Toolkit for Spiritual Growth: A Practical Guide to Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving (Ancient Faith Publishing, 2020) and hosts a live call-in radio show on Ancient Faith Radio, Orthodoxy Live. Fr. Evan speaks across the United States, and the ongoing questions and comments about his presentations on parish health inspired him to write this book. He and his wife, Presbytera Anastasia, are the happy parents of four.

Praise for Reclaiming the Great Commission: A Roadmap to Parish Health

"What does a healthy parish look like? Our responses to this question tend to be based in cultural or political assumptions (big budgets, modern facilities, ethnic orientation, etc.). But in Reclaiming the Great Commission, Fr. Evan Armatas offer us a vision-driven, practical guide to help parishes truly operate as outposts of the Lord's Kingdom. As I read this book - which I enthusiastically recommend - my mind returned to the challenging words of St. John Chrysostom: 'Let us learn at last to be Christians!'" -Steven Christoforou, Director of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese's Department of Youth & Young Adult Ministries, Instructor of the "Effective Christian Ministry" online training course

"Fr. Evan Armatas provides an honest and imperative approach to parish health that all leaders, clergy and laity alike, would do well to heed and practice. Rooted in repentance, the review section at the end of each chapter is useful for parish leadership teams to digest the main ideas, implement action, and to further contemplate the Lord’s direction in reclaiming the Great Commission within the local community context. The candid exposure of resistance, sabotage, and stagnation is met with hope and practical steps for overcoming these barriers. From developing leadership to creating a parish health plan, Fr. Evan provides a fresh reminder 'to press on toward the high calling of God in Christ Jesus' (Phil. 3:14). What a gift and resource for Christian leaders!" -Hollie Benton, Executive Director, Orthodox Christian Leadership Initiative

"Fr. Evan Armatas’s book, Reclaiming the Great Commission, is a great read for parish, nonprofit, and for-profit volunteers and staff at all levels. His personal account of his spiritual and practical leadership journey is informative and inspiring. He effortlessly weaves together personal stories, ancient Greek terms, theological teachings, and business principles to create this practical guide for healthy institutions in service to our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you, Fr. Evan!" -Constantine M. Triantafilou, Executive Director and CEO, International Orthodox Christian Charities

Author: Fr. Evan Armatas

Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing

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Available at Ancient Faith Store


Related Media
Podcast - Orthodoxy Live

LOOK INSIDE... Reclaiming the Great Commission: A Roadmap to Parish Health


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