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Renewing You: A Priest, a Psychologist, and a Plan

Ancient Faith Publishing eBook

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Rev. Dr. Nicholas G. Louh and Dr. Roxanne K. Louh
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Product Overview

By Rev. Dr. Nicholas G. Louh and Dr. Roxanne K. Louh

Are you struggling in your walk with Christ? Do you want to rediscover your reason for living, the person you were created to be? Renewing You: A Priest, a Psychologist, and a Plan gives you the keys to unlock areas of your life that hold you back from fully experiencing the renewal and transformation God has in mind for you. Co-authored by a priest and a psychologist, Renewing You combines principles of spiritual growth with psychological tools to help you become your best self, fully connected with God's purpose for you.

Rev. Dr. Nicholas Louh is a priest, and Dr. Roxanne Louh is a clinical psychologist. In their book and in their ministry, the Louhs are a marriage of two different worlds and fields of study. Their work unites the seemingly opposing fields of faith and psychology to support the kind of inward reflection that leads to lasting outward transformation. For the last 10 years, Fr. Nicholas and Dr. Roxanne have worked together to help people seek the changes they want most for their lives.

Read about their ministry and media outreach under ABOUT THE AUTHORS.

Praise for Renewing You:  A Priest, a Psychologist, and a Plan

"Fr. Nicholas and Dr. Roxanne Louh have blended not only their lives in marriage, but also what they have learned in their vocations to provide insights and practical suggestions for becoming the person you were designed to be. I highly recommend this book for all who aspire to reach their potential for God and good in the world." -Gary Chapman, Ph.D., New York Times bestselling author of The Five Love Languages

"We all want to live healthier, more productive lives. Yet so often we get sidetracked by unhealthy habits and addictions. That leads to discouragement about our lack of spiritual progress. Father Nicholas and Dr. Roxanne Louh can help. Renewing You: A Priest, a Psychologist, and a Plan is a practical primer on how to become your best self. Here are the tools you need to build better habits and stronger relationships, starting today!" -Michael Hyatt, New York Times bestselling author, podcaster, blogger, speaker, and founder and CEO of Michael Hyatt & Company

"Drawing deeply from Scripture and the wisdom of the ancient Church, Father (Dr.) Nicholas and Presvytera (Dr.) Roxanne Louh inspire you to grow in relationship with the Lover of your soul, expel guilt, receive peace, nurture life and health in personal relationships, and aspire to spiritual and emotional maturity for the greater benefit of the Kingdom of God. I highly recommend this book!" -Hank Hanegraaff, president of the Christian Research Institute and host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast and the Hank Unplugged podcast and author of numerous books, including Truth Matters, Life Matters More: The Unexpected Beauty of an Authentic Christian Life

Read more under EDITORIAL REVIEWS.

Author: Rev. Dr. Nicholas and Dr. Roxanne Louh

Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing

Additional Formats:

Related Media:
Podcast - Ex Libris - Author Interview
Podcast - Healthy Minds | Healthy Souls

LOOK INSIDE... Renewing You: A Priest, a Psychologist, and a Plan

Editorial Reviews

"Fr. Nicholas and Dr. Roxanne Louh have blended not only their lives in marriage, but also what they have learned in their vocations to provide insights and practical suggestions for becoming the person you were designed to be. I highly recommend this book for all who aspire to reach their potential for God and good in the world." -Gary Chapman, Ph.D., New York Times bestselling author of The Five Love Languages

"Father Nick and Dr. Roxanne have summarized the key principles for living a healthier life spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally in this insightful book. These are life lessons grounded in both wisdom and experience." -Tim Tassopoulos, President, COO, Chick-fil-A, Inc.

"Drawing deeply from Scripture and the wisdom of the ancient Church, Father (Dr.) Nicholas and Presvytera (Dr.) Roxanne Louh inspire you to grow in relationship with the Lover of your soul, expel guilt, receive peace, nurture life and health in personal relationships, and aspire to spiritual and emotional maturity for the greater benefit of the Kingdom of God. I highly recommend this book!" -Hank Hanegraaff, president of the Christian Research Institute and host of the Bible Answer Man broadcast and the Hank Unplugged podcast and author of numerous books, including Truth Matters, Life Matters More: The Unexpected Beauty of an Authentic Christian Life

"Spiritual power couple Fr. Nick and Dr. Roxanne Louh, a parish priest and psychologist, have combined their considerable personal and professional experience to create a book which naturally and seamlessly integrates psychology, physiology, and faith. The Louhs address the challenge of how to envision and create a life of purpose and satisfaction which soars above and beyond what we might imagine possible. Practical guidelines, proven methods, and various techniques provide a flight plan to conquer our ruts, inaction, excuses, and bad habits. Employing solid scientific information, relatable examples from daily life, biblical insights, and spiritual inspiration, the Louhs encourage us to climb into the pilot's seat of our own lives, to grasp the controls, to wing upwards, and to soar to the heights of the God-given potentiality within each of us." -Dr. Jeannie Constantinou, host of the podcast “Search the Scriptures Live!” on Ancient Faith Radio and professor and visiting lecturer on the Bible, patristic interpretation of Scripture, and early Christianity

"Building on the spiritual tradition of the desert fathers and mothers of the early centuries of Christianity, this exceptionally readable book refashions the wisdom of the Orthodox spiritual tradition for the noisy and often distracting world of day-to-day living. Renewing You provides a practical guide for personal and spiritual growth, with insights into recognizing and addressing the negative thoughts that dictate our internal spiritual disposition and external actions." -Dr. James C. Skedros, Michael G. and Anastasia Cantonis Professor of Byzantine Studies (Holy Cross), Lecturer on Greek (Harvard Divinity School)

"I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book! It is spiritually uplifting, very funny, informative, poignant, touching, candid, thought-provoking, and challenging. When you read it, you can just feel the time, energy, and thought that they put into writing this book. And, boy, did they succeed. This book has an anointing on it. For those of you who are looking to be spiritually renewed (and who isn’t?), don’t look any further. This book does exactly what it says: It will renew your spirit and bring you closer to God. Amen." -Robert Krantz, actor and producer

"We all want to live healthier, more productive lives. Yet so often we get sidetracked by unhealthy habits and addictions. That leads to discouragement about our lack of spiritual progress. Father Nicholas and Dr. Roxanne Louh can help. Renewing You: A Priest, a Psychologist, and a Plan is a practical primer on how to become your best self. Here are the tools you need to build better habits and stronger relationships, starting today!" -Michael Hyatt, New York Times bestselling author, podcaster, blogger, speaker, and founder and CEO of Michael Hyatt & Company

About the Authors

The Louhs

The Reverend Dr. Nicholas Louh is the Senior Priest of St. John the Divine Greek Orthodox Church. He holds a Masters of Divinity (1999) and a Masters of Theology (2000) from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary. He also earned a Doctorate of Ministry (2003) with an emphasis on Pastoral Counseling in urban ministry from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.

Fr. Nicholas also serves as the Vicar for the Eastern Florida Conference of the Holy Metropolis of Atlanta and is a member of the Metropolis Council. He is an Adjunct Professor of World Religions at the Florida State College at Jacksonville and is the chaplain for the Jacksonville Sharks Arena Football Team. He is a member of the "God Squad" on WJCT radio, a monthly panel discussion on a broad array of religious topics of current interest. He also proudly serves on several local and state boards, including OneJax, an interfaith organization. Together with his wife, Dr. Roxanne Louh, he co-hosts Healthy Minds | Healthy Souls, a live call-in program on Ancient Faith Radio. Rev. Louh also shares daily inspirational radio messages on 92.5 FM Sports Radio, as well as on local cable television.

Dr. Roxanne Louh is a licensed clinical psychologist in Jacksonville, Florida, where she uses her extensive training in private practice and as a speaker with expertise in a variety of concerns, including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, marriage and parenting issues, and eating disorders, body image awareness, and women’s issues. She has presented to national groups, universities, area high schools, and churches across the country.

Dr. Louh is highly respected in her profession for her educational achievements and training. She graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science in psychology and a minor in food science and human nutrition. She earned her first Master of Science degree in Clinical Psychology at the University of Central Florida. Her second Master’s degree and her Doctorate are in clinical psychology from the Florida Institute of Technology.

Dr. Louh continues to dedicate much of her time to community-wide presentations, reaching the public through various news media, social media, radio, educational talks, and blogs. She appears regularly as a guest expert on a local television show, “The Chat,” where four cohosts discuss current and newsworthy topics of the day. She strongly believes in the prevention of mental health issues through education and awareness, and is an established member of the American Psychological Association. Together with her husband, Rev. Dr. Nicholas Louh, she co-hosts Healthy Minds | Healthy Souls, a live call-in program on Ancient Faith Radio.

Healthy Minds, Healthy Souls Podcast on Ancient Faith Radio


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  • 5
    Captivating read

    Posted by Panayiota Mihas on Jul 11th 2022

    I enjoyed this book just like I would enjoy hearing sound advice from a trustworthy friend. I did not want to rush this book so I only read one chapter every evening and felt encouraged after each read. Thank you for this book

  • 5
    I love reading this book!

    Posted by Tonia Giannopoulos on Aug 3rd 2021

    I have read only a few pages, however, absolutely love this book, renewing you. The authors talk from the heart, from experience and wise words from our faith. Thank you so much Dr. Roxane and Fr. Nick. So what book is next?

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