An Outreach of Ancient Faith Ministries

Shepherding Sam (Sam and Saucer, Book 1)

Ancient Faith Kids eBook

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Melinda Johnson
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Product Overview

by Melinda Johnson 

Sam’s Aunt Eva says he’s like a tornado—he causes a ruckus everywhere he goes. But Aunt Eva won’t give up on Sam, and neither will Saucer, the monastery’s corgi puppy. Saucer lives at the monastery, but he dreams of herding sheep. With no sheep in his life, Saucer tries to herd everyone else—farm animals, nuns, and especially Sam. Sam doesn’t want to follow anyone, not even a funny puppy. But Saucer knows that if he just keeps trying, he can bring this lonely boy back to the flock.

A chapter book for ages 7–12

About the Author: Melinda Johnson is an Orthodox Christian, wife, mother, and writer. She is the bemused and enchanted guardian of a corgi named Ferdinand who supervises the writing of her books. Ferdinand also bosses Melinda’s office, the deer in her backyard, her family’s daily schedule, and her attempts to read quietly on the sofa. If you enjoy the Sam and Saucer books, you may give all the credit to Ferdinand.


Age Range: 7 - 12 years

Author: Melinda Johnson

Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing

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Available at Ancient Faith Store

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Related Media:
Podcast - Ex Libris - Author Interview
Podcast - Chapters - Audiobook Excerpt

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