An Outreach of Ancient Faith Ministries

The Holy Angels

Ancient Faith Publishing eBook

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Mother Alexandra
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Product Overview

By Mother Alexandra

First published in 1981 and long out of print, The Holy Angels has yet to be surpassed as a comprehensive and comprehensible account of the nature of the angels and their role in our salvation. In layperson's terms, Mother Alexandra presents the essence of everything the Church has to teach us about the angels, beginning with the Old Testament, continuing through the New Testament, and concluding with the Tradition of the Church as expressed in her theology, hymnography, and iconography. For those who long to become better acquainted with these holy servants of God and to understand their role in our lives, this book is a great place to start.


Author: Mother Alexandra

Publisher: Ancient Faith Publishing

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Available at Ancient Faith Store

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Podcast - Chapters - Audiobook Excerpt

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  • 5
    The Holy Angels

    Posted by Dean Trearchis on Feb 13th 2021

    I really enjoyed reeding this book. It brought me closer in praying with the angels to God. I have always prayed and talked to my guardian angel to help me. I have also asked to be forgiven from sins by God and my guardian angel. This book reinforced my belief in angels as I have always thanked them in times of need especially after just missing being saved from a car accident. I believe it is necessary to thank and talk to the guardian and all angels.