An Outreach of Ancient Faith Ministries

Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy: Finding the Way to Christ in a Complicated Religious Landscape

Ancient Faith Publishing eBook

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Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick
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Product Overview

Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy: Finding the Way to Christ in a Complicated Religious Landscape

This new edition of the bestselling Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy is fully revised and significantly expanded. Major new features include a full chapter on Pentecostalism and the Charismatic movements and two new appendices (Relations with the Non-Orthodox and How and Why I Became an Orthodox Christian). More detail and more religions and movements have been included, and the book is now addressed broadly to both Orthodox and non-Orthodox, making it even more sharable than before.

Are you an Orthodox Christian who wonders how to explain to your Baptist grandmother, your Buddhist neighbor, or the Jehovah’s Witness at your door how your faith differs from theirs? Or are you a member of another faith who is curious what Orthodoxy is all about? Look no further. In Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick covers the gamut of ancient heresies, modern Christian denominations, fringe groups, and major world religions, highlighting the main points of each faith. This book is an invaluable reference for anyone who wants to understand the faiths of those they come in contact with—as well as their own.

About the Author: The Very Rev. Archpriest Andrew Stephen Damick is Chief Content Officer of Ancient Faith Ministries, the former pastor (2009–2020) of St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church of Emmaus, Pennsylvania, the author of several books from Ancient Faith Publishing, and the host or co-host of multiple Ancient Faith Radio podcasts. He resides in Emmaus with his wife, Kh. Nicole, and their children.

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  • 5
    Orthodoxy. Apologetics.

    Posted by Vlad Muresan on Jan 12th 2025

    Brilliant and robust synthesis. Systematic inquiry into religious irreducible differences. Respectful disagreement with other Christian branches as to how they misunderstand Orthodoxy, and an effort to bring the true Orthodox belief into argument. Intellectually advanced and refined as well as existentially animated by Christian brotherly devotion.

  • 5

    Posted by James Beltz on Jan 7th 2021

    Well written and easy to understand. It compares religions of the world to Orthodoxy and you get a better understanding of everything that Orthodoxy is and what the others are not.

  • 5
    A must-read for any confession

    Posted by Irina Frieden on Apr 27th 2020

    I found fr. Andrew through his Ancient Faith podcasts, Amon Sul and the Areopagus. This particular book was a great tool in understanding what Orthodoxy really is, which is, after all, the church in which I was born, but purified by the pagan rituals and corruption that sometimes stains it in the regions where it's the official religion. I truly appreciated his humble tone even when highlighting the major problems of the other doctrinal systems, and also him sharing his conversion story.

  • 5
    A Must for Church History

    Posted by Vassily Rodionov on Apr 22nd 2017

    Christ is Risen!! Fr. Andrew's "Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy" book (both versions) and podcasts are fantastic. Very interesting and understandable. Both provide an excellent overview and reference concerning Christian history and the myriad of the major "denominations" as compared to the Orthodox Church. Of course there are also summaries of non-christian beliefs. This reading is a must for Orthodox Christians to find out more about their Faith and gives information for them to be able to answer questions that they may face. Additional evidence that Orthodox Christianity is no longer a "best kept secret".