An Outreach of Ancient Faith Ministries

Apostle to the Plains: The Life of Father Nicola Yanney

Ancient Faith Publishing eBook

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The Saint Raphael Clergy Brotherhood
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Product Overview

By The Saint Raphael Clergy Brotherhood

In 1892, a young man left his home in the coastal foothills of Lebanon in search of a better life. Coming to America with his newlywed wife, he found work as a traveling peddler before settling on a small farm in central Nebraska. Years later, personal tragedy and an unexpected midnight visit from a saint changed the course of his life. Seeing the desperate need of his fellow Orthodox Christians and heeding God’s call, he would spend the rest of his life traversing the Great Plains as a circuit-riding priest, known to his thousands of parishioners as Father Nicola Yanney. His legacy stands alongside that of St. Raphael Hawaweeny, his mentor, as a seminal force in the American Orthodox Church of our day.


LOOK INSIDE... Apostle to the Plains: The Life of Father Nicola Yanney


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  • 3
    A good read

    Posted by Susan Hanna on Apr 28th 2020

    I’m glad the story of Father Nicola’s life has been rediscovered and made available. What a remarkable priest! How could such a man have drifted into obscurity? The book itself was full of not only loads of information, but also a real feel for Father’s life and times. My only criticism is that there were a few places where it was repetitive, almost as if chapters had been written by different people. Other than that, I would recommend this book to anyone wanting to discover this saintly man and the early difficulties of the Antiochian Orthodox Church in America.

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